Parti Goldendoodle FAQs

Parti Goldendoodle Puppies in the Midwest

If you are considering adding a Goldendoodle to your family, then you probably have some questions. Whether you want to learn more about Parti Goldendoodle dogs or how to reserve your Goldendoodle for sale, we can help. On this FAQ page, we answer these questions for you.

If you have more questions or want to learn more about the Goldendoodle puppies we have available, contact Parti Goldendoodle today online or by phone at 630-803-4405. As a leading Goldendoodle breeder based just outside of Chicago, Illinois, we look forward to answering all of your question to help you get the perfect new furry member for your family.

How Can I Reserve My Parti Goldendoodle Puppy?

Great question! There are a just few steps to take to make your reservation. The following steps need to be completed for us to reserve a puppy for you.

  • View the pictures of Goldendoodle puppies on our website or our Facebook page.
  • Send us a $100 deposit via PayPal to hold the puppy of your choice. Be sure to specify any color or gender preference. If you need help deciding, you can email or text Jennifer directly for more information on the puppies. We can help you decide which puppy is right for you!
  • When your puppy is ready, you can pick up your Goldendoodle from our hobby farm in St. Charles, IL, just west of Chicago. Limited delivery assistance is available upon request.

If you have more questions on the reservation process, contact us, and we will help you get started on adopting your new puppy. We are happy to do our best to ensure a smooth adoption process while working with you to find the perfect dog for your lifestyle.

Are Parti Goldendoodles Family and Kid-Friendly?

Parti Goldendoodle Breeder

Absolutely! Goldendoodle puppies are known for their high levels of sociability and gentle nature, which makes them perfect family dogs. They are a cuddly, affectionate, and playful breed of dog that will make friends with everyone they meet.

We raise our Goldendoodle puppies in Chicago in a social and friendly environment, socializing them with children and even cats, to ensure they make the perfect family pet. They are low maintenance, loving and gentle with children, good-natured toward strangers, agreeable to living indoors or outdoors, and make excellent watchdogs. They are also low shedding and excellent for any climate.

Are Goldendoodles Truly Hypoallergenic?

Goldendoodles have a relatively low shedding level, which makes them better for allergy-sensitive people. They do shed seasonally, but the shedding does not last long and is usually under control after three or four weeks. Some Goldendoodles do not shed at all, which makes them the right choice for those sensitive to dog hair.

Compared to other breeds, Goldendoodles are generally less likely to cause allergic reactions, making them one of the best medium sized dogs that don’t shed.

Why Should I Adopt from a Dog Breeder Instead of a Pet Store?

When you buy a dog from a pet store, the dog often comes from puppy mills or breeders with no care for their health concerns. You also might not know what type of poodle mix they are, their health risks, or other genetic factors.

Parti Goldendoodle is dedicated to offering the best in genetic health and temperament with all our Goldendoodle puppies. Since all of our puppies are raised in-home, we have already determined their individual needs before they even come to live with you. Our dogs undergo genetic and health testing to make sure you are getting the healthiest puppy from a pure lineage.

As the best Goldendoodle breeder in Illinois, we offer you the choice to choose the Goldendoodle generation type and colors that you want in your new furry friend.

What Are the Goldendoodle Colors? What Are Parti Goldendoodles?

Goldendoodles can come in various colors that are inherited from their parents. This includes cream, apricot, and parti colors. While the golden color comes from the Golden Retriever parent, other colors may be inherited from the Poodle parent. Parti Goldendoodle breeds all of our Goldendoodle puppies from a Parti Poodle, so our Parti Goldendoodle puppies can have coats in the shades of cream, apricot, orange, gray, black, dark brown, or yellow.

Are Goldendoodles High Maintenance?

Goldendoodles are generally fairly low maintenance dogs. They do not need any extra care, such as hair trimming and frequent bathing. Their coats minimally shed, so they will not shed all over your house like other breeds.

Reserve Your Parti Goldendoodle Puppy

If you are ready to reserve your puppy, contact us today. As a dedicated puppy breeder based out of the Midwest, we are always here to help you out with any other questions you may have in helping you select the best puppy to join your family. Call or text 630-803-4405 to reserve your puppy, or contact us online to learn more.